LMSA would like to share the Wau-Ke-Na Five Year Plan from the Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy (SWMLC) as described in their recent newsletter.
To read the plan, download the pdf below:
As the weather is more conducive to walking and Spring brings more traffic, we are suggesting that people consider wearing bright colors when riding and walking. Toward that end we have created bright ‘safety’ Tee shirts, in blue and safety green (see photo), that have the speed limit on the back and a ‘slow down’ mantra on the front. We will gladly give people a shirt with a minimum $10 donation to the LMSA. For information about shirts and donations please email [email protected]
As we are into the Membership renewal season we want to highlight some of the features available with our updated website. Renewal information is coming soon via email, but many of you have already accessed some of the features below.
The MEMBERS ONLY page allows us to protect access to our Membership Directory and also is a place for you to submit information changes and RENEW your membership online via Pay Pal.
The BLOG page is set up for updates and news, as well as copies of emailed information we send that may be useful to find again without searching email.
There are two ways to contact LMSA - there is a form on the CONTACT page and also a place on the footer of each page to send an email. We hope you find these communication opportunities helpful and we encourage your engagement. We are open to feedback and learning how people use, and want to use, our website. December 2023 UPDATE:
The plan was approved by the TWP and final documents are being prepared to put out for bids. We will continue to add updates here 9/8/2023 After a long year of meetings, consultations, and revisions a plan is being presented by the TWP for review. A public information meeting will be held September 20 at the Fennville Library, and a meeting at the township hall will be held by the TWP Board the following week (date tbd). Read details, see plans and more here... Background: TWP was awarded 2 grants from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund in December of 2021 to make improvements at Pier Cove Beach ($266,000) and for the acquisition of an additional parcel of land to the north ($128,700). The TWP will provide a 25% match. Additionally, the TWP was awarded a $5000 grant from the Allegan Community Foundation in April 2023 to go toward the overall project. In addition, about $32,000 in donations to the project have been pledged, including a $2500 donation from the Lake Michigan Shore Association (LMSA) to be used for trees and shrubs. The Purpose as stated in the initial Grant application: “Enhance the overall accessibility and scenic value of Pier Cove Park while honoring the rich history, quiet restfulness, and natural beauty of this unique lakeshore area. Renovating the current parking, fencing, signage, and steps will benefit safety, accessibility, and improve the park's overall attractiveness. A new walkway and gathering space will add barrier-free accessibility to parking, restrooms, and a new overlook on Lake Michigan. The renovations will help restore a more natural and rustic environment and repair damage from shoreline erosion using native plantings and wildflowers. Interpretive signage will offer a unique stop on the Lake Michigan Water Trail between South Haven and Saugatuck and along US Bike Route 35 where users can learn about the history and natural resources available at Pier Cove and enjoy its natural beauty.” The Great Lakes Coalition (GLC) will hold its 2023 Annual Membership Meeting at 10:00 a.m. (EDT) on Saturday, August 12, 2023, at the Haworth Hotel on the campus of Hope College, 225 College Avenue, Holland, MI. This may be of interest to the LMSA membership! The Annual Meeting will have a presentation from Mr. Ryan Williams, supported by Professor Ethan Theuerkauf of Michigan State University and Professor Guy Meadows of Michigan Technological University. Mr. Williams is a GIS specialist at the Great Lakes Research Center and creator of “Michigan Coastlines Though Time,” a GIS based 82-year look at the coastlines of Michigan's Great Lakes with resolution down to the individual property owner level. Messers Williams, Theuerkauf and Meadows have been working together for the past three years on nearshore sediment movement trying to answer the fundamental question: “Where Does the Sand Go?” Come to our meeting to hear their very interesting answer to this important question. There will also be a presentation from Mr. Michael Padilla, Sr Project Manager of the US Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes Coastal Resiliency Study. The Great Lakes Coastal Resiliency Study is a multi-year project by ACOE and all eight Great Lakes states to assess coastal resources over a range of future conditions and develop a watershed plan to support the management of Great Lakes coastal resources, and the identification, selection, and prioritization of resilient coastal investments. We will also have a few words from Michigan State Representative Joey Andrews whose district encompasses about 90 miles of Michigan’s coastline, Please register online at www.greatlakescoalition.org/annual-membership-registration or by contacting our Secretary, Joe Doyle, at [email protected] if you plan on attending. Registration is useful in helping us plan but not required – please feel free to attend even if you have not registered. For more information, click here: GLC Spring Newsletter Have you noticed our new signs on Lakeshore Dr. at the end of M-89 and just north of Glenn (west side of road)? The original signs were designed with the guidance of our founder William Erby "Bill" Smith and intended to resemble state park and forest signage. Fifty plus years later, it seemed time to update and not just repaint the signs, so our marketing group got together to create a new and more welcoming message. We hope you notice! Last week Board member Curt Bailey, & son Ben, installed both new signs after rebuilding frames for the existing structures. We believe the fresh new look and message better reflects the intention of our organization mission - while it welcomes people to enjoy the area, it furthers a sense of community by reminding all of us to share the road. DBPBanksLocal resident & current Board member |
December 2024
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