The Lake Michigan Shore Association is a vitally important organization that is dedicated to monitoring issues that could adversely impact our area. Our mission is to protect our beautiful Southwest Michigan shore for future generations, and we are dedicated to preserving the quality and character of this magnificent area. We also advocate and encourage actions that enhance the quality of life and the environment along the lakeshore with the help of our members, partners, and sponsors.
This past year, our focus has been on a number of issues that affect our area. We are grateful for the support of our members.
- The completion of the West Side County Park Tree Replacement Project that was generously funded by 24 LMSA members and other residents.
- The Allegan County Road Commission study of potential alternative plans which address the vulnerability of Lakeshore Drive north of 126th in Saugatuck Township.
- Allegan County's study of ways to provide full access to the beach at West Side County Park.
- Ganges Township's potential improvements to the existing Pier Cove Beach plus the expansion of it to the north by acquiring additional lake frontage.
- Lakeshore Drive safety and signage.
- The application for a Dollar General store development on M-89 east of Lyons Fruit Market. The developer eventually withdrew the application.
We also seek to promote goodwill and harmonious living for residents and visitors to our community. We believe that by providing information, there will be an increased awareness and greater respect for the quality of life that we have all come to cherish. To that end, we offer several important papers that we hope you find helpful. Click on the corresponding image to download.
We are always monitoring lake levels to make sure our shores are protected.
If you'd like more information about current and forecasted lake levels, click HERE.
The site is updated weekly.
If you'd like more information about current and forecasted lake levels, click HERE.
The site is updated weekly.
keeping you informedThe board of directors works hard all year to protect all aspects of this glorious West Michigan lakeshore area. Check out the latest annual publication outlining current issues and their progress like the Lakeshore Drive Safety & Signage, Lakeshore Drive Paving
and Washout, Pier Cove Beach Grant Application, Lake Michigan Water Levels, Dollar General Zoning, West Side County Park Tree Replacement Proposal, Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy, and the Glenn School Fundraiser. Please feel comfortable supporting our advertisers. We do! |
Calendar of events
Glenn Community Center | July 26, 2025 9:00 AM
The 2024 annual meeting on July 27, 2024 featured two speakers.
We look forward to seeing you! |