Information on the Great Lakes Water Levels
The Lake Michigan Shore Association has been very active in following the issues surrounding our high water levels. We hope this information is helpful.
The Winter 2019 Newsletter from Great Lakes Coalition concerning our coastal conditions:
Letter to the Saugatuck Township Board of Trustees on 11/4/19 concerning the erosion on Lakeshore Drive and potential road failure:
An important report on 10/31/19 from your Board of Directors:
This booklet is brought to you by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, and by the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute:
We also had a fantastic speaker, Roger Gauthier, at our annual meeting on 7/20/19 and learned a lot about the conditions on the Great Lakes.
He has shared his presentation with us. You can view it by clicking on the picture to the right of high and low water levels over the years (the picture relates to the information on page 5 of the presentation): |